The Global Leader in Procedure Management Solutions
ATR is a Certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBE)

Problems Solved

Electronic Enforcement of Best Practices


We incorporate advanced human-factored technologies to provide electronic enforcement of best practices. Since SmartProcedures handles the entire procedure lifecycle, procedure administration is streamlined.

Built on an MS .NET platform with XML procedure content stored in a mission-critical SQL database provides virtually unlimited scalability and content portability.

Human Experts and SMEs

Our philosophy is to let computers do what computers do best and let humans do what humans do best.

SmartProcedures provides a powerful platform to let humans focus on quality content by providing electronic enforcement and re-purposing low-value time previously tied up in formatting to higher value functions.

Problem Solution
Inconsistencies between procedures SmartProcedures locks down properties based on procedure types, including styles, templates, section structure and analysis rules. Writers focus on content, letting the computer output standardized look and feel. Since the templates are programmatic, all procedures of the same type have the exact same consistent look.
Human error traps SAM analyzer scours procedures in seconds looking for embedded rule violations providing expert writer guidance.
Paper-paradigm limitations With the content in an XML database separated from templates, SmartProcedures offers unlimited multimedia output capabilities or FlexViews.
Version control All procedure revisions, including step revisions are stored in a mission-critical database ensuring high integrity and effective version control. While procedure users can only view effective procedures, all versions are available to system administrators or other authorized personnel.
User-diversity levels Because the content is multi-layered and property driven, users can "peel the onion" and get more information if they need it, including step-based media that can provide training or just-in-time work guidance, easily made available via single-step interactive Procedure CBT.
Excess time formatting SmartProcedures eliminates the need for writers to waste time formatting. The writer simply adds step text, defines step type and any other pertinent properties and move on to the next step. SmartProcedures then formats procedures based on the step properties and device.
Insufficient/too much detail While the writer maintains responsibility based on the procedure philosophy and user level, SmartProcedures SAM module can provide key indicator information to assist the writer.
Supporting information limitations With SmartProcedures, supporting information can be linked to a step, including graphics, video, sound, PowerPoints, you name it and it can be made available when the user accesses the procedure online or through Procedure CBT. This enables less experienced personnel to get the information they need to get the job done right.
Scalability and portability Since the procedure content is stored in a property driven XML format in a SQL database, the content can be re-purposed on to any device and in any format, including web displays, Procedure CBT, paper and PDAs and can incorporate text-to-speech for audio reinforcement.
Variances between procedure writers SmartProcedures helps remove the variance by embedding best practices into styles, rules and templates. Writers focus on quality content and no longer waste their time on the mindless drudgery of formatting. With SmartProcedures 1000s of procedures will be consistent, or, if needed, 1000s of procedure can instantly change to a new template without having to touch a single document!

Other Services

We help solve your procedure problems.

Procedure Writer Workshops
Procedure Writer Workshops

ATR provides procedure writer's courses to train and qualify your subject matter experts in the highest writing standards. We adhere to best practices and focus on human error reduction and optimum efficiency.

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FastTrack Services
FastTrack Services

When you need to get your project done ASAP, ATR's FastTrack Services can get you up and running! From project kick-off to end-user deployment, ATR's team of professionals move quickly to get results fast.

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The ATR team works with your personnel to develop the optimum project implementation to ensure success. We strive to reduce the workload of your busy team and increase efficiency throughout the project.

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