The Global Leader in Procedure Management Solutions
ATR is a Certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBE)

About ATR

Mission Statement

We deploy innovative technologies and best techniques to deliver accurate, human factored content to workers in any format, on any device enabling each worker to perform flawlessly and safely every time.


With over 34 years of service to high-risk industries, ATR is committed to improving process safety, focusing on human performance and technology solutions.

Founded by Elliott Lander in 1990, ATR's initial product, the TDC3000 Expert-Trainer, was among the first interactive training tools that brought training into the control room to the learners. The TDC3000 was translated in multiple languages, including French and Spanish, and has been used to train over 150,000 plant operators around the world.

OSHA Process Safety Management Fuels Growth

As OSHA's Process Safety Management program was initiated in the early 1990’s, ATR began producing a series of related software applications about training, change management, and procedure solutions management.

Operation FDNY TeamBuild Partnering

After the events of September 11th, 2001, ATR formed Operation FDNY Teambuild and donated $750,000 of software and services to provide support to the rebuilding efforts of the New York City Fire Department after their loss of 343 first responders. Hewlett Packard contributed another $750,000 of hardware, including servers, desktops, laptops and PDAs. ATR also sponsored the Hope and Heroes art contest for Houston-area high schoolers to raise funds and to honor our first responders.

SmartProcedures – Advanced Procedure Technology

In 2005, ATR began concentrating on its flagship product SmartProcedures to improve usability and overall management of procedures throughout many industries. Our number one priority was to produce better quality procedures for maximum safety and operational performance.

We strive for continuous improvement and innovation, and incorporate human factor engineering to ensure workers get the information they need, when they need it, how they need it.

ATR Inc. is a privately held woman-owned corporation headquartered in Houston, Texas.