The Global Leader in Procedure Management Solutions
ATR is a Certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBE)

Community Programs

Art Contest - Montana's Hidden Treasures

Art Contest - Montana's Hidden Treasures

All Bitterroot Valley 9th-12th grade students are invited to participate in ATR's 'Montana's Hidden Treasures' Art Contest.

Enter Here
Art Contest - Montana-Pre-1889

Art Contest - Montana Pre-1889

All Bitterroot Valley 9th-12th grade students were invited to participate in ATR's 'Montana Pre-1889' Art Contest.

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest - Famous Artists

Art Contest - Famous Artists

All Bitterroot Valley 9th-12th grade students were invited to participate in ATR's 'Famous Artists' Art Contest.

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest - First Responders

Art Contest - Old Barns of the Bitterroot Valley

All Bitterroot Valley 9th-12th grade students were invited to participate in ATR's 'Old Barns of the Bitterroot Valley' Art Contest. Typically a barn is large building for the storage of feed, animals, or farm equipment. Artwork should depict an old structure of this type located on land in the Bitterroot Valley (not including metal buildings).

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest - First Responders

Art Contest - First Responders

We invited all Bitterroot Valley 9-12th grade students participate in this contest. Their artwork depicted first responders - people with specialized training who are the first to arrive and provide assistance at the scene of an emergency, such as an accident, natural disaster, or terrorist attack.

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest - Famous Montana Landmarks

Art Contest - Famous Montana Landmarks

ATR sponsored the Famous Montana Landmarks Art Contest for Bitterroot Valley high school students. The winners received cash prizes and their art is currently displayed at the ATR Montana office.

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest - Montana's Natural Resources

Art Contest - Montana's Natural Resources

ATR is sponsoring the Montana's Natural Resources Art Contest for Bitterroot Valley high school students. The winners receive cash prizes and their art is displayed at the ATR Montana office.

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest - Bitterroot Valley Nature & Wildlife

Art Contest - Bitterroot Valley Nature & Wildlife

ATR is sponsoring the Bitterroot Valley Nature & Wildlife Art Contest for Bitterroot Valley high school students. The winners receive cash prizes and their art is displayed at the ATR Montana office.

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest - Wild West Montana

Art Contest "Wild West Montana"

ATR sponsored the Wild West Montana Art Contest for Bitterroot Valley high school students. The winners received cash prizes and their art was displayed at the ATR Montana office.

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest - Beautiful Montana

Art Contest "Beautiful Montana"

ATR was proud to sponsor the Beautiful Montana Art Contest for Bitterroot Valley high school students. The winners received cash prizes and their art was displayed at the ATR Montana office.

See winning entries and other submissions
Art Contest ”Hope and Heroes”

Art Contest "Hope and Heroes"

ATR was proud to sponsor a Houston-wide Art Contest for middle and high school students to honor first responders and the heroes and victims of September 11. The six winners received cash prizes and a trip to New York City where they were honored by FDNY and provided escorted tours of the city.

More about the Hope and Heroes Art Contest
Post 9-11 Recovery - FDNY

Post 9-11 Recovery – FDNY

ATR partnered with HP Computers to donate over $1,000,000 of its TRAQS and SmartProcedure software and HP hardware to help in the rebuilding and retraining process after the loss of 343 firefighters on 9-11.

Thank a Soldier Program

Thank a Soldier Program

ATR will give out gift cards of $100 to soldiers we see at airports. Each of our travelling projects personnel will be giving these out to soldiers they meet during travel.

Learn more about the Thank a Soldier Program
Ravalli County Museum donation

Ravalli County Museum donation

The mission of the Bitter Root Valley Historical Society is to acquire, preserve, protect and interpret the historical and cultural heritage of the Bitter Root Valley and its people.

ATR are sponsors of the Summer of Science program.

Nano: The Science of Small Exhibit Poster - pdf (1891 kb)
Wounded Warriors Project

Wounded Warriors Project

The purpose of the Wounded Warriors Project is to raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of injured service members.

At the end of 2013, ATR made a donation on behalf of all our employees of $15,000 to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Learn more about the Wounded Warriors Project
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude is unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility. Discoveries made there have completely changed how the world treats children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. With research and patient care under one roof, St. Jude is where some of today's most gifted researchers are able to do science more quickly.

Learn more about St. Jude Children's Research Hospital