The Global Leader in Procedure Management Solutions
ATR is a Certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBE)

Procedure Training

Procedure Training

How do you train operators on your procedures? Many companies provide a hard copy or electronic copy of the hard copy and have the learner either read it, or, if launched by a typical learning management system open and close it to get credit. In either case, it is doubtful that much learning took place in either case.

Step-By-Step Learning

In ATR's exciting and innovative 3rd Generation SmartProcedure Lifecycle system module called Procedure CBT, all procedure content can displayed step by step. Rather than a learner looking at 20 steps per page, they are focused on only one step. Work guidance media can be linked to the step, including video, photographs, diagrams or CBT. This system enables the learner to walk through the procedure and tracks every step, every note, warning, caution and media object viewed.

Higher Attention and Retention

Procedure CBT supports text-to-audio so that the learner hears the step text in addition to relying on reading skills. By focusing on one step at a time and providing helpful support media, the learner is more attentive to detail and results in greater retention. During the training which could be scheduled on a refresher basis or used just-in-time or for a pre-job brief.

Procedure CBT is available automatically and dynamically generated from ATR's SmartProcedures. Once content is in the system, the user has the ability to launch procedures in a standard format or review them during a training event.