The Global Leader in Procedure Management Solutions
ATR is a Certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBE)

Thank a Soldier Program

ATR will give out gift cards of $100 to soldiers we see at airports. Each of our travelling projects personnel will be giving these out to soldiers they meet during travel.

Thank you ATR for giving me the opportunity to bless two American heroes today!"

Jason Werkman

I had the honor to thank a patriot tonight. Thanks for the opportunity to do this. It's a great honor. And he let me take a pic."

Randy Kennedy

Awesome photos of grateful soldiers

The first picture is of SSgt Dan Gilyeat from Kansas City. Dan lost his leg in Iraq when he and his crew drove over an anti-tank mine with their Humvee.

Dan was in Houston to meet with the Helping a Hero group meeting in Houston:

Here is his story:

Dan was actually on an extreme home make over edition (please check out his story it is amazing):

When I told Dan thank you for his service, he looked me straight in the eye and replied “You’re worth it…and so are you Emma”. Dan is a true hero.

Dan gave me his cell phone number and asked me to contact him if we’d like to participate in the Helping a Hero group.

The second picture was of a young, tall soldier. He was very surprised by the gift and very thankful.

The third picture is of a patriot taken by Randy Kennedy.