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Art Contest: Old Barns of the Bitterroot Valley
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place

All Bitterroot Valley 9th-12th grade students were invited to participate in ATR's 'Old Barns of the Bitterroot Valley' Art Contest. Typically a barn is large building for the storage of feed, animals or farm equipment. Artwork should depict an old structure of this type located on land in the Bitterroot Valley (not including metal buildings).


  1. Drawing and sketch (charcoal, pastel, pencil, etc.)
  2. Painting (acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.)
  3. Sculpture (clay, stone, metal, ceramic, etc.)


The top four entries in EACH category were awarded as follows: 1st $500, 2nd $300, 3rd, $150, 4th $100. In addition, one entry was awarded an additional $150 for "Best of Show", and one awarded $200 for "President's Award".

The schools with the most Top-3 winners received the following for their art program: 1st $500, 2nd $350, 3rd $250, 4th $100. Total prizes awarded in this contest total $4,700!

As a bonus this year, ATR selected their personal favorite barns in the Bitterroot Valley. If a student's barn that they've selected for their artwork matches one on our list, they'll get an extra $50 bonus! We will reveal the list during the Awards Ceremony.

Entry Deadline

Entries were due by April 1st, 2022.


Submitted artwork must be original. Each entry must include an artist's statement, the title of the work, address/location of the barn, and a photo to verify the location. All artist statements must be typed. No hand-written statements accepted. No late entries accepted.

Local artists from Artists Along the Bitterroot judge this annual contest. Entries were judged equally in four areas: creativity, craftsmanship, composition, and interpretation of the theme.

Winning Entries and Submissions

Sketch or Drawing

1st Place

Bryce Cooper

Lee Metcalf Barn

2nd Place

Dylan Kidd

Porter Barn From Past

3rd Place

Madison Nelson

Horse Barn

4th Place

Elliada Craig

If Barns Could Talk


1st Place

Kylie Berk

Still Standing

2nd Place

Olivia Lewis

Teller Wildlife Refuge Barn

3rd Place

Megan Jessop

Winter in Montana

4th Place

Sofia Lewanski

Creekside Homestead Barn


1st Place

Dylan Kidd

Inside and Out

2nd Place

Jocelyn Henderson

Pervaded Wood

3rd Place

Alexis Sorum

Porter Hill Barn

4th Place

Colby Lewis

Porter Hill Barn

Take a look at some of the other submissions