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Art Contest: Old Barns of the Bitterroot Valley
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place


Welcome back to ATR’s 8th Annual Art Contest! For those of you who are new to our annual contest, ATR in Hamilton and Explore the ARTS host a rotating-themed art contest each year for high school students. Some art teachers blend this contest as an assignment into their curriculum, some even include the English Department to help students craft their artist statement, and some share the poster with their students as an optional extracurricular activity. Awards range from $100 to $500 in each category and are not tied to a scholarship - students can use these funds however they wish. Schools with the most top-3 winning entries also win for their art program: 1st place $500, 2nd $350, 3rd $150, 4th $100. We give away almost $5,000 each year in this contest.

Winning Entries and Submissions

Sketch or Drawing

1st Place

Riley Allen

Prairie Falcon

Florence 12th Grade

2nd Place

Riley Allen

Falcon on a Barbed Wire Fence

Florence 12th Grade

3rd Place

Jayde Venema

The Wild Bear

Corvallis 11th Grade

4th Place

Megan Jessop


Corvallis 11th Grade


1st Place

Emily Rau

The Glorious Mountains

Hamilton 11th Grade

2nd Place

Riley Dahlstrom

Deer with Montana Flora

Corvallis 10th Grade

3rd Place

Janessa Chaplin

Western Meadowlark

Hamilton 12th Grade

4th Place

Sophia Jarrett

Montana’s Mansion

Corvallis 12th Grade


1st Place

Megan Jessop

Mountain's Starry Night

Corvallis 11th Grade

2nd Place

Conner McBride

Industry of Chores

Florence 11th Grade

3rd Place

Phinehas R. Luhmann

Pine Cone Vessel

Florence 11th Grade

4th Place

Brooklyn Oliveria

Bison Tea Pot

Florence 10th Grade

Special Awards

Best of Show

Megan Jessop

Mountain's Starry Night

Corvallis 11th Grade

President’s Award

Nate Smith

Pop Chief Joseph

Florence 12th Grade

Founder’s Award

Caleb Katen

The Fish Flow

Florence 10th Grade

People’s Choice

Emily Rau

The Glorious Mountains

Hamilton 11th Grade

Take a look at some of the other submissions