The Global Leader in Procedure Management Solutions
ATR is a Certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBE)

Case Studies

Fossil Generation and Mining Teams Streamline and Simplify Procedure Creation and Maintenance

The Problem

A Texas-based power generation business was looking to improve the quality and usability of their estimated 7,000 – 8,000 procedures and job plans across the fleet (operations and maintenance).

Procedures standardize job tasks enabling a predictable outcome that ensures jobs are completed using best practices and reducing safety risks to both employees and equipment. Many teams used procedures or job plans to perform daily work tasks, while other procedures were available for reference.

Faced with aging workforce issues and a large amount of tribal knowledge, the goal was to create a procedure management system that would enable writers to efficiently create and maintain their operations and maintenance procedures.

About the Client

  • Power Generation Corporation
  • 20+ power plants and mines
  • 13,700 megawatts of generation
  • Fossil generation and mining operations
  • 7,000 – 8,000 procedures/job plans


  • Poorly written procedures
  • Not following established industry standards
  • Out-of-date documentation, poor access
  • Reliance on memory or tribal knowledge
  • Knowledge transfer from aging workforce
  • Large-scale and regular template changes
  • On-site training didn’t fully leverage procedures


The corporate team worked with ATR procedure experts to standardize all elements of the procedure lifecycle. We developed custom solutions tailored to the needs of the generation and mining teams. We also developed maintenance-specific templates to address their preventative maintenance program.

The electronic workflow process helps to ensure that all procedure content is kept up-to-date. Providing easy online access to procedures and job plans ensures employees have access to the information they need to efficiently and safely perform their duties.

Key Benefits

Key benefits realized by this client include:

Adherence to Industry best practices and standards
Reduced wear and tear on subject matter experts by eliminating formatting
Better tools to allow non-technical writers to create content (human error reduction)
Electronic enforcement of best practices
Global change capabilities
Common look-and-feel across different sites (standard templates)